Studying political & economic measures that enhance diplomacy & protect human rights
Studying political & economic measures that enhance diplomacy & protect human rights
Notre Dame Professor George Lopez on CNN’s AC360

Notre Dame Professor George Lopez on CNN’s AC360

Interview — 21 April 2012

George Lopez, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, appeared April 20, 2012 on AC360 to discuss crisis in Syria with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Watch >> (5:10)

So Much Worse Than Civil War

So Much Worse Than Civil War

Op-ed — 19 March 2012

“So Much Worse Than Civil War,” by George A. Lopez in Huffpost, 19 March 2012.

ND Expert: Syria vetoes lead to “full gun assault” by Assad

ND Expert: Syria vetoes lead to “full gun assault” by Assad

Interview — 8 February 2012

ND Expert: Syria vetoes lead to “full gun assault” by Assad

George A. Lopez

Syria Violence and Sanctions

Syria Violence and Sanctions

Interview — 1 February 2012

“Syria Violence and Sanctions,” featuring George Lopez on CNN.


Seize the Sanctions Moment in Syria

Seize the Sanctions Moment in Syria

Op-ed — 16 August 2011

“Seize the Sanctions Moment in Syria,” by George A. Lopez in Christian Science Monitor, 16 August 2011.